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How to play?


The key to this instrument is clap!


Fist of all, clap your hands and you can start playing!

If you clap, you can generate ball!

To reduce ball, press DELETE or BACKSPACE key.


Brightness changes the pitch!

Let's plug up the camera, won't that lower the sound?

On the other hand, the more capture is brighter, the more sounds are higer!


Adjust the speed with your mouse!

If your cursor positions high, ball's bounce cycle be fast, and vice versa.

There are still a few bugs...!

The following are known bugs that I am trying to fix.

  • The ball didn't bounce back, it just fell.
  • The ball keeps bouncing around the edges.
  • It sounds like it's obviously broken.

If you encounter any of the above bugs, please reload or delete all your balls by pressing the delete/backspace key and try again.

I'm still new to programming. If you know how to improve it, please let me know via GitHub and I'll be happy to dance out, then I'll learn to make it even better!